Energy Healing Library

Jaya Sarada Jaya Sarada

Keys to Mental Well Being

In the mental field, imbalances begin when the mind is not used constructively. The mind is like a piece of clay and needs to be molded and refined to become the most useful tool.

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Jaya Sarada Jaya Sarada

What is Kinesiology and how can it help me?

Energy Testing is a valuable biofeedback tool that offers insight into etheric, emotional, mental and spiritual questions. Energy testing asks questions in which the body’s response indicates a yes or no answer.

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Jaya Sarada Jaya Sarada

What Defines True Happiness?

Happiness begins with honoring your well-being.

We know we are happy when we have achieved a sense of peace, and when we are not so prone to reaction, frustration, and irritability. We seem to have gone through a genuine transformation where we no longer put all of our value in the temporary conditions of our life.

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Jaya Sarada Jaya Sarada

Your Aura and Emotional Field

The mental field exists slightly beyond the emotional body. Mental energy comes through the crown center, the direct connection to our source. This is the energy center that allows vibrations (impressions on the physical) of a higher nature to pour through. The mental field is where our affirmations, the spoken word, our choices, healing thoughts, and clear decisions play an important part in our healing and wellness process.

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Jaya Sarada Jaya Sarada

Your Aura and Mental Field

The emotional or astral field interpenetrates the etheric and is often seen as an aura of changing colors. As emotions, feelings and passions flow and change, so do the colors and shapes of the astral field.

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Jaya Sarada Jaya Sarada

Your Aura and Etheric Field

The word aura comes from the Greek word avra, meaning breeze. The aura is the sum total of the seven fields of human and divine nature. The spheres of energy surrounding the physical body progressively spiral outward forming strong energy fields. There are seven fields in the solar system, which relate to the seven fields of the human being.

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